Quality Control Processes
Our Services
Data Collection Quality Control
Interviewer Recruitment/ Training
- Recruitment & competency assessment of interviewer
- Periodic refresher training of interviewers
Briefing & Set-up
- Project set-up meeting with PM (FBN)
- Interviewer selection
- Briefing interviewers
- Mock interviews
- Piloting (Flow, LOI)
- Sharing FW Plan with PM
- Sharing the QA plan
Fieldwork Launch
- Scheduled accompaniment checks
- During Field: Risky interviewer / problematic interviewer identification (through Outliers, Straight-lining, Trap, Logic checks, Trend checks, GPS, Silent listening, OTP recording) + Issue management
Independent Validation: Call Back
- During Field: Duplicate check across project + Call-back based on project type
Quality Control Reporting
- Reports to PM REPORT: Summary Call-back Rpt. To PM RAG Rpt. To PM (Project status / Quota fill + QC checks)
Our Process
Quality Control Outputs to Validate Interviewers’ Work.
And we have invested heavily in digitally-evidenced quality controls to identify risky interviewers

Where are they…
- GPS reliability

What they are doing…
- Silent recording
- Evidences provided

- Outlier rate Straight-lining Logic checks
- Productivity rate
- Callback completion rate
- Deletion rate

Zero Tolerance
- Consequences of Fraudulent Activities (challenging for freelance interviewer markets)
CATI – Quality Control Processes
CATI – Quality Control Processes
Selective Recruitment
Interviewers go through a week-long orientation program
Post training program, mock interviews are done to re-assess their capabilities

CATI – Quality Control Processes
Detailed Project Set Up Meeting
A project set up meeting is
arranged involving PM,
CATI PIC & Supervisors
A clear-cut plan to execute
QC process is laid out by
CATI QC lead
100% of calls are recorded
CATI – Quality Control Processes
Rigorous Quality Control Process
Dedicated resources to carry out QC process of interviews done by CATI @ Home interviewers
Live listening & NIPO watch (FS & QC team-2%) by agents throughout all segments.
QC done using NIPO D-entry tool where the data and the recordings are accessed simultaneously (QC team-10% or as per study requirement) .
Listening to recordings and entry in DCMS directly (QC team-10%).
QC issues are instantly communicated with interviewers.
Weekly QC report is shared by Supervisor based on the quality checks done.
Corrective measure is taken with the agent as per the Zero tolerance policy
Monthly reward based on over all performance for 3 top best interviewers.

CATI – Quality Control Processes
Additional Back- Check Measures
Interviewer performance report is generated to see successful interviews done, strike rate, LOI appointments refusals, screen outs etc, 3% by agents throughout all segments
Every 3 months, a re-briefing session is conducted with the interviewers in order to refresh the project
objectives and provide feedback
Feedback received from client is also passed onto the interviewers to enhance quality.
Quality Control Outputs to Validate Interviewers’ Work.
And we have invested heavily in digitally-evidenced quality controls to identify risky interviewers
Our Process
Best In Class Quality Management Also In
Access Panel Methodology
State-of-the-art online Quality Checks encompass sample for all Panel Partners.
We ensure that respondents are
- Password
- Address
- Demographic
- Household Information
Real Respondents
- IP Address Verification
- Proxy Detection
- IP Geofencing
- Postal Address Verification
Real Survey Duration
- Respondent Engagement
- Survey Speedsters
- Grid Speedsters
- Trap Questions
- Respondent Satisfaction
Unique Respondents
- De-Duplication (same person twice)
- Overlap Prevention (same person from different panels)
- Unique machine ID (collected over 25 data points on the computer)

Additional Back- Check Measures

Destination Management

Company Picnic
Our Process
Best In Class Quality Management Also In
Access Panel Methodology
State-of-the-art online Quality Checks encompass sample for all Panel Partners. We ensure that respondents are:
- Password
- Address
- Demographic
- Household Information
Real Survey Duration
- Respondent Engagement
- Survey Speedsters
- Grid Speedsters
- Trap Questions
- Respondent Satisfaction
Real Respondents
- IP Address Verification
- Proxy Detection
- IP Geofencing
- Postal Address Verification
Unique Respondents
- De-Duplication
- Overlap Prevention
- Unique machine ID (collected over 25 data points on the computer)